Earning sales referrals is an important part of your job. The more satisfied your customers, the more likely they are to tell others about your products. This lets you spend less time marketing your offerings and more time in front of prospects. The more sales you make, the greater your success.
Implement any of these six methods to increase your number of sales referrals.
1. Ask for Referrals After Delivering Results
A customer is likely to provide referrals after they experience the value you deliver. One way to accomplish this is by updating your customers on their outcomes by using your product.
Include clear expectations, a set timeline, and the work needed to achieve the desired results. Then, when your customer has a positive experience, congratulate them and ask for referrals.
2. Request Reviews or Testimonials
After a customer has had time to enjoy the results of your product, ask them to write a review or testimonial about their experience. Find out what your customer would be comfortable sharing about your sales process, the ease of product use, and the results attained. Share your results on the company website, social media platforms, and a document you can use when meeting with prospects.
3. Use LinkedIn
Find out which of your customers’ connections may be interested in your products by using LinkedIn. The platform’s Advanced People Search lets you discover qualified second-degree connections that your customers can introduce you to. Having a name or company, you would like to connect with eliminates the need for your customer to come up with qualified referrals.
4. Create a Referral Program
Show confidence in your products by offering a customer referral program. Having a system in place encourages your customers to feel comfortable sharing the names and contact information of others who may be interested in your offerings.
5. Encourage Customer Feedback
Send each customer a survey requesting feedback on their experience. Find out specific ways you met or exceeded their needs and expectations and how you could improve. Include space to add the names of referrals.
6. Continuously Build Customer Relationships
Remain in regular contact with your customers after the sales process is complete. You may continue to provide value through additional offerings, informative content, or occasional check-ins. This keeps you top of mind for future opportunities. As your customers continue to think about how satisfied they are with your product, they are likely to provide referrals when they come across someone who needs what you have to offer.
Are You Ready to Grow Your Sales Career?
If you are a sales professional interested in the exciting field of industrial safety equipment and PPE, contact the expert recruiters at The Charis Group today. We can talk about growing your career, or you can browse our current sales openings and apply online at any time.