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Increase Your Team’s Morale with These Work from Home Perks

Working from home isn’t always a breeze, but companies have the power to help and try to make it as enjoyable as possible for remote employees. It is important to try to keep morale and engagement high so that productivity remains high. Use some of these work from home perks to keep your remote team happy and connected to their work.

Invest In Technology

Remote employees save you money on rent, utilities, office supplies, etc. Invest those savings into paying for exceptional technology for your employees like laptops, monitors, or high-speed internet. You can pay for single purchases or allow each employee or team a specific allowance to spend as they see fit (with approval, of course).

Invest in Ergonomic Workspaces

Remote workers can technically plop themselves anywhere with a laptop and work. However, poor posture and distractions can harm productivity. An office, a proper desk, and a good chair can make all the difference. Encourage your employees to work efficiently by giving a budget for office upgrades. It can be used for room dividers, ergonomic chairs, or standing desks.

Provide Home Services

Working from home involves constant distractions. There are always dishes that need to be cleaned, laundry that needs to be washed, yard work to be done, etc. Consider offering perks like meal delivery services, laundry services, cleaning, or gardening.

Support Learning And Development

With people working outside the office, it is easy to forget about training and development. But the more employees learn and develop new skills, the better it is for your business. You can arrange a training program for the entire team, or let them choose the book, webinar, or course.

Be Flexible With Scheduling

Remote work allows for a lot of flexibility and control. While some work and meetings must be completed during regular business hours, administrative tasks can be completed at any time. Don’t hold your team to a strict 9-5 schedule while working remotely. As long as your team members are hitting their targets, don’t obsess over their clocked time.

Recognize Special Occasions

You don’t always need special perks or allowances to make remote employees happy. Often, small gestures can go a long way. This can be as simple as sending employees a cake or dinner voucher on their birthday. Keep your team connected by letting them know that you care.

Are You Looking To Build Your Remote Sales Team?

If your industrial safety or PPE manufacturing company is looking for top-tier sales talent, talk to The Charis Group. As the premier recruiters in the industry, we help sales leaders build effective, lasting teams. Contact us today to learn more.
