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4 Tips For Selling Remotely

Outside sales reps are used to visiting people face-to-face, spotting cues in a prospect’s body language that they are either moving towards or away from closing the deal. They are used to handshakes, lunches, happy hours, and golf games with prospects and clients. But now, things are different. There has been a major shift towards remote selling and knowing how to find success is vital right now. Use these strategies to sell remotely if you are new to the long-distance sales game.

To Stand Out, Get Creative

Selling remotely means competing for a prospect’s attention via email. This is no easy task, but it’s not impossible. Stand out by using strong subject lines that motivate prospects to read the email. Then use creative strategies to keep their attention. For example, create and embed a video instead of sending paragraphs of text – just make sure to introduce the video with a brief message so the user knows it’s not spam.

Abandon Hard-Sell Tactics

Now is not the time to rely on hard sales pitches or aggressive cold-calling measures. Try to warm up all leads whenever possible. You can lean on your marketing team for ideas or help with warming up potential prospects. Then, when you reach out, always make it about the prospect. Going the extra mile to build rapport, showing care and concern and building relationships will go a lot farther in remote selling than hard-pressure tactics.

Make Use Of Video Conferencing

You might not be able to visit prospects and clients in person when selling remotely, but you can make use of video conferencing tools. To host a great video call:

  • Don’t sit too close. Be at least two feet away from your camera to avoid unflattering or distracting angles. Make sure the camera is eye-level so you aren’t looking too far up or down.
  • Check your lighting. Avoid backlight and make sure you aren’t sitting in shadows. Lamps can help light your face from the front.
  • Test your sound. Make sure your mics work properly and that your space doesn’t echo. Rugs and curtains or even some blankets tacked to a wall (out of view) can help absorb echo.
  • Have a backup plan. Internet connections can be fickle. Prepare a phone conference line that you can switch to if need be.
    Embrace The Change

Change is hard, but if you approach it with an open mind and a sense of levity, you will have an easier time adapting. Remote-first is the way we will all be working for the foreseeable future, and everyone struggles now and then. Roll with the punches, try to recover quickly from setbacks, and look for ways to have fun during your day.

Grow Your Career

If you are looking to make a change in your sales career, the expert recruiters at The Charis Group can help. We are the premier sales recruiters for the industrial safety and PPE industry, and we help talented sales professionals grow their careers. Contact us today to learn more.
