Top Sales Questions to Help Uncover Your Client’s Most Urgent Needs
Asking your clients questions that guide them to a solution is an effective sales tactic. Talking in-depth about their biggest needs helps you point out
Transferable Skills That Will Help You Succeed in Your Sales Career
When transitioning to a career in sales, focusing on your transferable skills in your cover letter and resume is important. You need to show hiring
Elevate Your Resume by Using These 5 Key Metrics
Having your sales resume stand out is essential in today’s job market. Because your qualifications may be similar to other candidates’, you need to show specific ways
6 Tips to Maintain Control of a Sales Negotiation
Not all sales negotiations are the same. Because you must keep your prospect happy while bringing in revenue, you need different techniques to stay on
Is Burnout Avoidable? 5 Ways to Stay Motivated
For the past year and a half, dealing with the coronavirus has been adding stress to everyone’s life. Working remotely, not seeing family and friends,
Are You Ready for In-Person Events? 5 Sales Factors to Consider
As in-person sales industry events begin to resume, you may want to get back to having face-to-face interactions with prospects and customers. To be effective,